Wednesday, 11 September 2013

The Bryan Ansell collection: the "Travelling Players" (Citadel Miniatures C46 Villagers)

The "Travelling Players," sculpted by Mark Copplestone, were a subset of the Citadel Miniatures C46 Villagers range. They are in much demand today by collectors, particularly those who collect old Empire figures. Orclord gives a good summary of the range on his Stuff of Legends page:

The Travelling Players were never designed to be a special set, according to Bryan Ansell, they were just a collection of new c46 sculpts thrown into a particular mail order offer. They have, however, become extremely collectable. There are 2 illustrations of the range, one in White Dwarf 96, page 64 which shows 22 pieces and the other in an October 1987 mail order flyer which shows 25, additionally including the Lute Hero, Flake and the Loudmouth. The names on the ads and on the slottabase tabs are in some cases different, the Flake, Loudmouth, Ruffian and Thug all being marked Gypsy on their tabs. Several of them were slightly modifed and re-appeared in the 1988 Townsfolk release.

Here are the White Dwarf advert and mail order flyer in question (scans courtesy of Tony Mansfield):

The three figures missing from the White Dwarf advert are indicated.

I've managed to locate 24 of the 25 Players in Bryan's collection, and I have been unable to locate the Strongman figure. The figures below are the actual ones depicted in the White Dwarf advert above, which means that the three Players which were NOT depicted in the advert - the Loudmouth, the Lute Hero and the Flake - can be seen for the first time in their painted state below. I dont know why they were left out of the White Dwarf advert.

Loudmouth on right.

Lute Hero on right.

Flake second from left.


  1. Wonderful minis full of character.

  2. Wow, I hope they find the molds for those. They are great.

  3. Yeo if the molds for these were found I think a lot of people would be very happy. A few though far from all collectors would be disappointed.

    Great for RPGs, baggage trains and militia.

  4. Please find the moulds!!! I wonder if the possibility of these models (and others like them) being found and sold once more will effect the price of these models? People may be less inclined to pay high prices now.

    1. I think these guys span a grey area between historical and fantasy, and are not so historically biased as the mercenaries. Not impossible though.

  5. Is it me, or does the pedler model not bare a striking resemblance to Oldhammer's own, Padre?

    1. I think I shall have to resist commenting on that one :-)

  6. Such great minis. The actor in drag and the puppeteer have to be my favourites.

  7. I have a Strongman in my collection, and it is the second one I've owned. Are these that rare, or is he just the most pirated one? I'd think they wouldn't turn up in the US all that often...
