Thursday, 25 July 2013

Discovering some hidden Blanche

So a couple of weeks back I met up with John Blanche at the Enter the Citadel event at Warhammer World, Nottingham. Long story short, but a few years back I had a massive haul on ebay that included stacks of figures painted by John. So massive in fact that I'm still sorting through it. On the off-chance I took along some figures that I suspected John had painted, and asked him to verify them.

They did indeed turn out to be John's work.

Including some of Citadel's Dwarf King's Court figures.

Which was nice...


  1. Ace finds Steve. The balrog is just perfect and I really like the black armoured guy with white hair. The dwarves are very very good to (I come to think that I had never seen a dwarf painted by JB before) especially the one with the fancy hairdo and his... suggestive pose.
    I'm reading sorcery adventure books and I would like to know if ther's any part of our hobby that has not been influenced by John at some point?

    Thanks a lot for these pictures

    1. I've got another one of these balrogs painted by Blanche in a different colour scheme, and I've only just realised I haven't published pics of it. In fcat, I've just realised I haven't published pics of lots of my Blanche stuff so there's a good few posts to come.

      I would have to agree that the great man has indeed had a massive influence on our hobby. Not just in terms of how we paint and model our figures (Blanchitsu, 'Eavy Metal etc) but in terms of how his art and ideas have influenced the very fabric of the gaming universe in which we play. A cornerstone of the hobby if ever there was one.

  2. Great post, thank you.

    It's great to see some of John Blanches old miniatures painted in an old manner, and in his painting style.

    The human fighter in black armour was in the Citadel Journel Autunm 1985, and is present in an old Warhammer poster I have somewhere of a battle scene where they are attacking a castle, from about 1984.

    1. Cheers mate, I didn't dare ask where he was from... ^^'

    2. The figure ("Elric") is indeed in that journal but it is not the exact same figure. Do you remember which poster it is and where it was originally obtained?

  3. wonderful ! the jester is so cute, its quite incredible , that his miniature painting style is as recognisable as it is .

    1. Thanks Neil - if you're reading this could you check your email for the message I sent?

  4. Really like those minis and the paint jobs are great. Such a very personal style. Thx for sharing! /Hans
